Kale - How to make it taste better, cost less, and cook quicker

picture of kale

Kale is one of the most nutritionally dense winter vegetables. Are you adding it to your diet regularly?


Here are some common reasons my clients don't cook/eat kale:

  • Kale consumes a large amount of refrigerator space.
  • Kale can be costly when feeding a family.
  • When kale is only liked by one person, it's not worth making
  • Kale is a bitter vegetable and not palatable to some people


  • To reduce the cost and save the fridge space, I recommend buying frozen kale. This saves space, reduces cost, and can actually make the kale more nutritious as it loses nutritional value in transport and storage. See my blog about the nutritional benfits of frozen vegetables.
  • Frozen kale needs no washing, tearing off the stems, or chopping. This means it's much quicker and easier to prepare.
  • The best way to make kale taste better for those that don't care for the bitterness is to add ingredients that cut or counteract the bitter tastes. You can do this by:
    • Adding tomatoes (sun-dried or roasted are my favs) or cooking it in tomato sauce.
    • Adding powerful aromatics like garlic, onions, or ginger.
    • Using coconut oil to saute will mellow the flavor.
    • Adding flavor balancing cheese like parmesean or feta after cooking.
    • Use the kale in other recipes like soups, pasta sauce, with eggs.
    • If you have fresh kale, try roasting the leaves with olive oil, salt, and parmesan cheese to make delcious kale chips.

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